Holding tightly on to each other's thick soft fur, these adorable Koala bears look perfectly posed for a family photo.
The marsupials were spotted cuddling up together at the Lone Pine Conservation Park in Queensland, Australia.
Koalas usually sleep for up to 16 hours a day in trees, and only come down for food, so it was a lucky chance that this heartwarming scene was caught on camera.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Eyeball Impaled by Garden Shears
A pensioner has told how he cheated death after being impaled through the eye by a pair of pruning shears. Leroy Luetscher, 86, had finished trimming plants outside his home in Phoenix, Arizona, when he dropped the shears. As he bent down to pick them up he
lost his balance and fell face down directly on to the handle of the shears which penetrated his eye socket and went down into his neck.
Male Teacher Is A Porn Star
A TEACHER who led a double life as a porn star and stripper has been found guilty of unacceptable professional conduct - but has still been allowed to keep his job in the classroom. Benedict Garrett, 31, was head of sex education at Beal High School
in east London, but outside work he was known by his stripper stage
name Johnny Anglais. He
was reprimanded by the General Teaching Council after a two-day
disciplinary hearing, but told he could continue to work in the
classroom. Derek Johns, chairman of the panel, told Garrett, "The
committee is content that you have sufficient insight and would not
repeat this behavior should you resume teaching. "Therefore, in
relation to risk of repetition, the committee considers it is unlikely
that you will seek to return to the teaching profession whilst working
as a stripper or in pornographic films."
Man On Pilgrimage To Give Thanks For Recovery From Car Crash Is Run Over And Killed
A year earlier, he had been injured in a road accident and made a full recovery. So the man decided to make a pilgrimage to a shrine to give thanks for his survival – only to be knocked down and killed by a car less than a mile into his trek. The 40-year-old Spanish man died instantly after being hit by the vehicle just 20 minutes into his journey. Two women walking with him were also killed in the accident. The pilgrim left his home in the town of Ordes, in north-west Spain, on Saturday morning. He planned to walk the 20 miles to Caion so that he could give thanks at the shrine of the Virgin Mary.
Pilgrimage: An icon of the Virgin Mary at an Orthodox Church in Kottayam, India
Actor Becomes Manual Labourer
Many celebrities would probably prefer to sit at home with no money rather than get a normal job, but not Jeremy Edwards. The former Holby City star was recently pictured grafting for a friend's landscape gardening business, It was a surprise turn of events for the former Hollyoaks star who has previously enjoyed all the trappings of a celebrity lifestyle. However, the 40-year-old actor has defended his unexpected new role.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Infopedia Has Too Many Keywords!
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AdSense: "Your blog has TOO MANY keywords! You're BANNED!" |
The true reason why I made this blog is out of my fondness of weird intersting news. I want to compile such news in one place. Indeed, most articles here are copy-paste from other websites but I also put link back as both reference and credit. A friend suggested me to use AdSense, so I applied. Here's the reply I got:
Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. Unfortunately, after reviewing your application, we're unable to accept you into Google AdSense at this time. We did not approve your application for the reasons listed below. Your website is a type of website that we do not currently accept into our program. Such websites include, but are not limited to, chat sites, sites that drive traffic through cybersquatting, and sites that use excessive keywords in the content or code of their pages.
I'm sure Infopedia is not chat site and it's not cybersquatting either. So the most logical reason is excessive keywords. As a blog owner, I feel OFFENDED. Why? Excessive keywords suggests that I SPAM by manipulating search engines to MISLEAD people. Infopedia is certainly NOT an excessive keyword spam blog! I seriously compiled the news. And I also seriously designed the banner to look attractive.
I've seen such spam blogs. Usually they post irrelevant articles and photos that don't connect to one another. Plus, they will mostly post commercial products like laptops in a way that readers wonder if the blog is made by human or spam bot. If I truly have 'spamming' intention, then I must have been the most idiotic spammer for writing about aliens, animals, and weird non-commercial stuff.
Seriously, AdSense??? My blog has too many keywords? I guess all news blogs are banned from AdSense? No thank you, Google Ad Sense. I DO NOT need you!!! I'm using Chitika now. Though their rules are also strict, at least, they don't brand my blog as spam blog.
At least by complaining about this online, Infopedia will be featured in search results whenever people google about AdSense ... 'Thanks' for giving me a reason to write about you, AdSense.
At least by complaining about this online, Infopedia will be featured in search results whenever people google about AdSense ... 'Thanks' for giving me a reason to write about you, AdSense.
Weird-Looking Carrot
She's been dubbed The Baby Whisperer for helping hordes of women realise their dreams of starting a family against medical odds. Now it seems acupuncturist Yvonne Darnell, 46, has used her special skills to give life to one of her own carrots - which bears an uncanny resemblance to an angel-faced alien. The 'Sussex Stork' dug up the unusual legume from her Burgess Hill garden.
Shy Chipmunk
This chipmunk wanted to see no camera, hear no camera - then a giant flash bulb drove him NUTS. The tiny rodent settled on a comfy stump before being startled by a photographer in a garden in Delaware, Ohio, United States. The Eastern Chipmunk was right at home in the garden of Mark Hardymon, 45, who caught his hilarious expressions on film.
"Don't take my picture! You're making me NUTS!" |
Want To Burn Belly Fat? Do Aerobics!
Breaking a sweat with weights in an effort for the perfect six pack might be a waste of time. As a new study has found that the best way to burn belly fat is through aerobic exercise. When researchers monitored people who did aerobics for eight months, compared to those who did just weight lifting, the former group lost almost 20 times as much fat around their stomachs. The aerobics group lost around 2.5 square inches of belly fat, and a group that combined both aerobic and weight lifting lost only 1.5 square inches.
Aliens Visit China, Again
The huge, glowing UFO spotted hovering above Shanghai, Beijing and other regions in China on Saturday evening has led to a debate among astronomers who are trying to explain the phenomenon. The "white ball" was spotted about 9pm above Shanghai by pilots who reported the sightings to the East China Air Traffic Control Bureau. At almost the same time, residents in Beijing, Shanxi and Anhui provinces and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region also witnessed and photographed the similar, round bubble-like object rapidly expanding in the sky.
UFO During Irene Hurricane?
A footage taken by NASA Astronauts shows a tube shaped UFO flying between the Space Station and Hurricane Irene on 8-26-2011. Is it really an alien ship? Only time can tell I guess...
Monday, August 29, 2011
Hurricane Irene Comes, Time For PARTY ?
While many New Yorkers were worried stiff about the horrors Hurricane Irene might bring, others just took it as a good excuse to have a great time. Some people slid in the puddles, others held an impromptu hockey game and many decided it was just time for a good old party in their own homes. New York has been on lockdown since Saturday morning, forcing people to stay indoors after they stocked up on provisions and took in friends or family who had to evacuate low-lying areas.
Aliens in Siberia?
For an alien looking to explore Earth, the frozen wastes of Siberia may not be the most attractive of landing locations. But if this film footage is to be believed, that's exactly where these 'little green men' chose to land their UFO. The clip, filmed in the remote Irkutsk region of Siberia, appears to show a strange glowing craft and five aliens walking about in the snow.
Meerkat's Doll Friend
This meerkat may think that he's found true love at last. But his passion is likely to go unrequited - because he has fallen for a cuddly toy. The toy is one of many thrown into the meerkat enclosure at a theme park by excitable children who have bought them from the gift shop.
Spot the difference: The Chessington meerkats have had to become used to their cuddly-toy visitors
Man With 24 Fingers
They call him 'Twenty-Four.' Yoandri Hernandez Garrido's nickname comes from the six perfectly formed fingers on each of his hands and the six impeccable toes on each foot. Hernandez is proud of his extra digits and calls them a blessing, saying they set him apart and enable him to make a living by scrambling up palm trees to cut coconuts and posing for photographs in this eastern Cuban city popular with tourists.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
America's Oldest Mom
They say children keep you young - and it's definitely the case for Arceli Keh. America's oldest 'mom' is now 78 but still finds the energy to hang out at the mall with her teen daughter and sing Justin Bieber songs. She draws the line at theme parks though.
Arceli was 63 when she had her baby Cynthia 14 years on and has revealed she has no regrets. The infant weighed 6lbs 4oz and was conceived via IVF, 14 years after Arceli went through the menopause. Arceli said: 'Having my baby gave me a new lease on life.
'I’m more energetic than most women my age because I have to be. I feel it’s my responsibility to do everything I can to make sure my child has the best life possible. I prayed every day of my life for Cynthia, and I’m so grateful she’s in the world. I try to spend as much time with her as possible. We go to the mall, and sometimes my husband goes to the movies with her.'
Arceli, 78, joked she even sang along to Justin Bieber songs. She and her husband Isagani, 75, live off retirement benefits and are careful about what they spend. She said Cynthia wanted to get a part-time job so she had her own money and could help out at home when she is old enough. Cynthia said: “I don’t really notice my parents’ age. There are some things they can’t do, like going to theme parks, because there’s a lot of walking involved.
No regrets: America's oldest mother Arceli Keh of Highland, California, hit the headlines when she gave birth in 1997
Unique Architectural Designs
More spectacular than the Taj Mahal? Stretching one hundred meters into the sky, this glistening new design could outshine anything built in India before. The space station-style structure called Atmosphere could be constructed in Calcutta if architects have their way.
Dress Made From Crisp Packets
A fashion student has proved looking good does not have to cost a packet - by winning a fashion show in a dress modelled by a friend made entirely out of old Walkers Crisp bags. It might not to be everyone's taste but Rebekah Kirkland's design proved a hit at her end of year catwalk event. And it did not cost her a penny since all the empty bags were donated by friends, family and fellow students.
Adorable Otters
After a slap-up fish lunch, with the prospect of a nice snooze in the sun, the baby otter was no doubt thinking that life doesn’t get much better. Then a double hug from its mother and father proved him wrong. Geography student Ben Marshall, 18, captured the touching moment while on a visit to the Marwell Wildlife park in Winchester, Hampshire.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Fox Sliding Down Conveyor Belt!
A disused gravel quarry became a playground for a young fun-loving fox and his family. This photograph, taken by British man Duncan Usher, shows how the clever four-month-old creature turned an old conveyor belt into a make-shift slide, before travelling down it twice. Mr Usher photographed the amusing sight close to Bursfelde, a hamlet in the German countryside.
The 56-year-old, who now lives in Bursfelde, said: 'One morning I arrived at the quarry and saw from a distance two young foxes playing on the conveyor belt. One ran back to the top of the conveyor belt and then started to walk back down it, stopped and sat down.After a few seconds it started to slide down the conveyor belt using its front paws to drag it forwards. They were attracted to the conveyer belt because it was a playground to them. I have not seen this type of behaviour amongst free living wild animals and I was really surprised and pleased to witness and capture this unusual event. I had to react quickly and knew that the chances of getting a decent image was slight. I thought the odds were really against me but that morning fortune was on my side.'
Mr Usher, orginally from Allendale, Northumberland, spent three weeks at the quarry before he managed to capture the elusive foxes at play. He said: 'Obviously my determination paid off in the end. It was really a combination of repeatedly going back to the same spot and patience. I knew from past photographic experience that if I remained persistent, something unusual or worthwhile can, or may happen. A large portion of luck also helped.'
New Vicious Wasp Discovered In Indonesia
It sounds like the stuff of nightmares - a wasp that supplements a vicious sting with jaws longer than its front legs. But this is a very real newly discovered warrior wasp found on the remote Indonesian island of Sulawesi. Dubbed the 'Komodo dragon' of the wasp family, the males of the species measure two-and-a-half inches long.
The warrior wasp was found on the remote Indonesian island of Sulawesi. It has been named 'Garuda' after the part-human, part-eagle mythical beast
Couple with 18 Children!
Kelly Bates has had 18 children. She has had no twins, no C-sections and 14 drug-free births and has spent more of her adult life pregnant than not. But, even with the unimaginable logistics of raising a family that could field two sports teams, the 44-year-old mother from Lake City, Tennessee, is praying for two more baby boys. Kelly told ABC News' Nightline: 'It feels more normal to me to be pregnant than not be pregnant. I'm happy holding a baby.'
Family affair: All 20 of the Bates family live under one (large) roof in Lake city, Tennessee
The roll call so far stands at: Zach, 22, Michaella, 21, Erin, 20, Lawson, 19, Nathan, 18, Alyssa, 16, Tori, 15, Trace, 14, Carlin, 13, Josie, 12, Katie, 10, Jackson, nine, Warden, eight, Isaiah, six, Addallee, five, Ellie, four, Callie, two, and, last but not least, Judson, who is just 11-months-old.
Zombie-Themed Engagement Photos
Every bride-to-be wants their engagement pictures to be memorable. But one California couple made sure the special moment as they announced their nuptials was completely unique- by arranging for a zombie to crash the photo shoot. And when Juliana Park and Ben Lee posted their quirky horror themed engagement shoot online it became an overnight internet sensation.
The couple enjoy a quiet picnic ... but what's that in the background?
Lighter Lunch Make You Lose Weight WITHOUT Hungry
Slimmers desperate to lose weight without major dieting, rumbling stomachs or expensive protein shakes, should simply eat a smaller lunch. Scientists from Cornell University in New York found the easy solution left volunteers no hungrier than usual or in need of snacks as our bodies are not sophisticated enough to notice a small drop in calories. This meant they consumed an average 250 fewer calories a day.
Humans Evolve From "MOUSE"
A mouse-like creature that scurried about in bushes and trees 160 million years ago gave rise to humans, say scientists. The small, furry placental mammal lived in what is now north east China during the Jurassic era when dinosaurs ruled the Earth. Its remarkably well preserved remains were dug up in the fossil-rich region of Liaoning Province which has also produced ancient evidence of feathered dinosaurs and primitive birds.
Gaddafi's Neverland
It was the day when the ordinary people finally got to peer beyond the fortified concrete walls. For the first time, Tripoli’s citizens discovered how Colonel Gaddafi had lived a life of opulence and surreal fantasy while they cowered under his bloodthirsty rule. After the rebel fighters had overrun the tyrant’s massive sprawling compound, yesterday it was the turn of normally law-abiding Libyans to ransack and loot his properties. And they could scarcely believe what they saw.
Astonishing: This teapot and teacups fairground ride was just one of sites that greeted insurgents inside Gaddafi's compound. They also found a zoo
Sofa so good: A rebel fighter poses for a photo as he sits on a two-seater couch
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Orangutan Mops His Face!
If any more proof were needed that the orangutan is one of mankind’s closest relatives, here it is. Just like us, the ape sometimes has trouble coping with the heat and this particular one has found an inventive way of cooling off. With an uncannily human gesture it plunges what appears to be a flannel into a pool of water, methodically wrings it out and then mops its brow.
WIld Cat Got Stuck Up Cactus
He's found himself in a rather prickly situation - but at least he didn't get eaten. This terrified bobcat was spotted teetering on top of a 50ft cactus after running for its life from a hungry lion. He stayed there for SIX hours, just to make sure the lion had gone, and incredibly escaped without a scratch.
Earth May Spread Life To Other Planets
Asteroid impacts on the Earth may have scattered more life-bearing debris to Mars, Jupiter or beyond our Solar System than previously thought. Vast computer simulations of debris thrown up from Earth impacts show 100 times more particles end up on Mars than prior studies have shown. The highest-energy impacts drive debris all the way to Jupiter, which hosts two moons that may be amenable to life. Only the hardiest of Earth's organisms could have survived the trip, however.
Bald Chicken!
It was one of 2,000 chicks born on a remote farm... but this is the bird that caused a real flap. Mr Feather, as he's been cruelly dubbed, won't feel cock-a-hoop though. That's because the poor chicken was born completely bald - and has remained so ever since.
"Stop staring at my naked body!" |
Artificial Life Made To Terraform Mars
A mission to Mars may seem like a distant dream to cash-strapped Nasa, but a controversial scientist says we are on the verge of a breakthrough that would enable humans to settle there. U.S. scientist Craig Venter stunned the scientific community last year when he revealed that he had created the world's first synthetic organism. Now his team are working on engineering the cells to grow by consuming carbon dioxide - and he thinks we can harness this to set up camp on the Red Planet.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Human Library Where You Can 'Borrow' HUMANS
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A man 'reading' ab out Buddhist from a monk in human library |
Monday, August 22, 2011
Surfing The Net At Work Is GOOD For Productivity!
Next time you are caught surfing the Internet in the office do not apologise - it is actually making you a better worker. Browsing the web can refresh employees and make them the more productive, a study has found. Those who surfed the Internet as a break from their duties came back better prepared than people who made a phone call or texted their loves ones.
Parasite Makes Rats Sexually Attracted To Cats!
A parasite that turns rats into zombies and manipulates them into losing their fear of cats has been uncovered by scientists. Cat urine normally acts as natural deterrent to rodents, who are keen to keep their distance from their natural predators. But researchers found that Toxoplasma-infected male rats exposed to cat urine suffered an increased activation in the brain regions involved in sexual attraction. At the same time, the brain regions that govern fear were paralysed, as expected.
Oldest Fossil Is Bacteria
Experts claim to have found the world’s oldest fossils. According to British and Australian researchers, the microscopic bacteria lived some 3.43billion years ago in a hot, hostile environment free of oxygen. The creatures are believed to have thrived on the sulphur spewed out by volcanoes – making them similar to the modern bugs that can make our bathroom drains less than fragrant.
Old timers: The microscopic fossils were formed from bacteria that lived 3.4 billion years ago
Their fossils, which are too small to see with the naked eye, were found nestled between grains of sand on the world’s oldest beach in Strelley Pool, in the remote Pilbara region of Western Australia.Lead researcher Dr David Wacey, of the University of Western Australia, said: ‘On the early Earth, where oxygen was rare or absent, evolving life had to employ other means to survive.
'The ability to breathe sulphur compounds has long been thought to be one of the earliest stages of transition from a non-biological to a biological world.’
Some experts are adamant that the world’s oldest fossils are stromatolites, which have existed for 3.5billion years, but Professor Martin Brasier of the University of Oxford said they could have been formed through chemical processes. By contrast, tests on the new discoveries confirmed they were once alive, and not merely formed through mineralisation, the journal Nature Geoscience reports. Professor Brasier suggested that the findings open the possibility of finding early life elsewhere. ‘Could these sort of things exist on Mars? It’s just about conceivable,’ he said.
Biscuits Give Women Womb Cancer!
Regularly snacking on biscuits, cakes or buns can significantly increase a woman's chances of developing womb cancer, a new study shows. Women who treated themselves two to three times a week were 33 per cent more likely to suffer the disease. Among those eating them more than three times a week, the risk of falling ill with a tumour jumped by 42 per cent. The findings come from a ten-year study in Sweden which looked at the eating habits of more than 60,000 women. Scientists wanted to investigate links between sugary diets and the development of tumours in the womb.
Also known as endometrial cancer, it affects around 6,400 women a year in the UK and kills an estimated 1,000 annually. Although the risks are known to increase with weight gain, researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm wanted to see if there was a direct link between the amount of sweet foods eaten and the onset of cancer. They studied data from thousands of women who, in 1987, completed questionnaires on diet, lifestyle, weight and general health. Ten years later, those still alive were given the same questions again. All the women were asked how often they added sugar to their hot drinks or food and what was well their intake of different types of sugary foods.
Dolly The Acrobatic Hamster
A high-wire hamster who loves to show off her circus skills almost came a cropper when she slipped off a tightrope in the middle of a routine. Dolly's delightful trick could have ended in trauma as the cute critter misplaced a paw. But, teetering on the edge, she managed to haul herself up to finish off her routine. Luckily she was only inches from the ground, and would not have suffered injury had she taken a tumble.
Stuntman Falls To His Death
A stunt wing walker has died after falling 200ft while attempting to move from a plane to a helicopter at an air show in Michigan. Todd Green was attempting the move from a Stearman aircraft at Selfridge Air National Guard Base, in Harrison Township, when he fell. An ambulance rushed him to Mount Clemens Regional Medical Center, but a hospital spokesman said Mr Green died from his injuries.
Grip: Mr Green reaches out towards the helicopter during his performance at the air show, but is unable to hold on
Celebrities' Bizarre Beauty Treatments
As unlikely as it may seem, Simon Cowell likes to start the day by climbing a tree. He recently revealed it has become a ritual of his. He believes that the childish pastime sets him up for the long day ahead. And when he’s not clambering over branches, TV’s Mr Nasty is being drip-fed a cocktail of energising vitamins in order to look and feel younger. The weekly infusion is made up of vitamins C, B12 and magnesium and is administered intravenously through a drip, by a nurse who comes to his home or office so that he can work while being super-charged. ‘It’s an incredibly warm feeling,’ says 51-year-old Cowell. ‘You feel all the vitamins going through you. It’s very calming.’
Tree-ments: Simon Cowell climbs a tree every day to stay young |
It may sound bonkers, but the former X Factor judge is not alone in embracing wacky therapies to turn back time. From cow brains and human placenta creams to ice chambers and leeches, there’s nothing celebrities won’t try in their search for the elixir of youth.
Smallest Chicken Egg!
A West Virginia man is laying claim to one of the world's smallest chicken eggs. Whether it's a record remains to be seen. The Reverand Donnie Russell said he found the egg last month on his farm. It's 2.1 centimetres long, or a bit bigger than a penny, and weighs 3.46 grams - a little more than one-tenth of an ounce.
'It's really something. If you want to know the truth, I can't put it into words,' Mr Russell said.
Mr Russell, of Raleigh County, said his wife is an animal lover and she's collected cats, geese, ducks, chickens and other types of birds over the years.
Model Painted as Canvas
Normally when a model poses for an artist, they are expected to remain motionless. But this model may struggle to stay still – as they are the actual artwork. Artist Alexa Meade’s technique involves painting directly onto the physical subjects that she is referencing, rather than using a canvas.
Still life: Artist Alexa Meade paints model Will Claybaugh, she will then photograph him to create her final artwork
Penis Tree Painting Ruined By Restorers
Art restorers have sparked fury by touching up a 746 year old fresco called The Tree of Fertility and removing some of its most prized assets. The painting by an unknown artist was discovered in an Italian cave and illustrates a tree from the branches of which are hanging dozens of very realistically drawn penises. Underneath the tree, waiting for the them to fall, a small crowd of women are gathered, with two appearing to be ready to fight over one of the twenty five 'fruits'.
The work is said to be a symbol of fertility and controversy erupted after restorers appeared to 'castrate' the tree by removing or painting over several of the phalluses. Many critics have complained that the fresco's spirit and intention has been destroyed. The intriguing work of art was discovered in 1999 in the Tuscan town ofMassa Marittima in walls which adorn a local spring known as the Fountain of Abundance, carved out of solid rock.
Family Living With An EMU
Like a lot of youngsters she likes to relax in front of the TV and will eat anything in sight. Beaky the pet emu also quite enjoys a soak in the bath. In fact, the two-year-old bird is almost as much a part of the Newby family as the six children. She arrived in an unhatched egg, an unusual Christmas present for Ian Newby, 44, from his wife Lisa, 36.
Pecking order: Ian Newby with Beaky and, from left, Harry, Jack, Joe, mum Lisa, Bryce, Peter and George
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Chupacabra Found?
Prince George’s Hospital Center workers have adopted a mythical creature as their new mascot. The creature has been spotted in the woods where smokers take breaks since the hospital banned smoking June 1, but no one knows what the animal is, so they’ve named it Prince Chupa, after chupacabra — the legendary cryptid rumored to exist in parts of the Americas and suck the blood of livestock.
Chupacabra? |
British Boat Hotel
China makes aircraft-carrier hotel and Russia is preparing its space hotel. Britain has a BOAT hotel! And it's expected to draw visitors for 2012 Olympics.
Visitors to London's South Bank could soon be left feeling all at sea. A bizarre new hotel - shaped like a boat - is to be placed on top of the Queen Elizabeth Concert hall peering out over the River Thames. The nautical building, due to be hoisted into position in December, will be equipped with a mast and look-out station and guests will be expected to keep a detailed log and hoist a flag to indicate they are aboard.
Russian Space Hotel
Previously, I've posted an article about Chinese aircraft-carrier hotel, now let's see Russian space hotel! Russia announced plans for a hotel in orbit 217 miles up which would house seven guests in four cabins and have huge windows for views of the Earth turning below.
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